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Presedence of Operator

Presedence of Operator

Operator are applied and evaluated based on precedence. For example ( +, - ) has less Precedence compared to ( * , / ) hence * and / are evaluated first . In case we like to change this order , we use parenthesis


Presedence & Associativity


Highest presendece goes to * and / . They are then evaluated on the basis of left to right associativity

Int a = 6 * 5 – 34/2;
Int b = 60/5 – 34*2;


My String is just a string
My String is 12.121000



Associativity tells the direction of execution on an operation .It can either be left to right. 

-(* / ) Left to Right 

-(+ -) Left to Right 

-(++ , =) Right to Left 


Quick Quiz – How will you write the following expression in JAVA ?  1.x – y/2 

2.b2 – 4ac/2a 

3.v2 – v2 

4.a * b – d