JSX in React:Explained with Examples
In React framework, JSX is a key notion. As a result, if you fully grasp it, you'll be able to write better React code.
While React can function without JSX, it is better suited for working with components, so it benefits greatly from JSX.
Using JSX initially appears to be a combination of HTML, JavaScript (and, as you'll see, CSS).
However, this is not the case because using JSX syntax is essentially developing a declarative syntax for a component UI. And you describe that UI in JavaScript, which allows you to do a lot of cool stuff.
What is JSX?
JSX allow you to write HTML/XML-like structures (e.g., DOM-like tree structures) in the same file where you write JavaScript code, then preprocessor will transform these expressions into actual JavaScript code. Just like XML/HTML, JSX tags have a tag name, attributes, and children.
Take a look at the below code:
const tag = <h1>I am a h1 tag</h1>
Here is an example of a JSX syntax in JSX file and see the corresponding JavaScript code which transforms by preprocessor(babel).
<div>Hello Kingscod</div>
Corresponding Output
React.createElement("div", **null**, "Hello JavaTpoint");
The above line creates a react element and passing three arguments inside where the first is the name of the element which is div, second is the attributes passed in the div tag, and last is the content you pass which is the "Hello Kingscod."
Nested Elements in JSX
If you want to use more than one element, you must wrap it in one container element. Here, we use div as a container element which has three nested elements inside it
function App(){
<h2>Learing JSx</h2>
<p>This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p>
export default App;
JSX Attributes
JSX also allows the use of attributes just like HTML element. JSX uses camelcase naming convention for attributes rather than standard naming convention of HTML ,We can also use our own custom attributes in JSX
using Camelcase
=> onChange
=> onClick
=> onSubmit
function App(){
<div className="contianer">
<h1 className="title">Kingcod</h1>
<h2 className="header">Learing JSx</h2>
<p>This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p>
export default App;
Arttributes can either be
1.**As String Literals:**We can specify the values of attributes in double quotes:
function Example(){
<div className="contianer">
<h1 className="title">Example Component</h1>
export default Example;
- **As Expressions:**We can specify the values of attributes as expressions using curly braces {}, the expression can be anything e.g an array, object, strings, etc. In this example i will be using a string
function Example(){
const content = "paragraph"
const design = "contianer"
<div className={design}>
<p className={content}>Example Component</p>
export default Example;
Whenever you need to add JS, all you need to do is to put it inside curly braces {}
. Curly braces accept any JS code For example here’s how to use a constant value defined elsewhere:
function App(){
const title = "Kingcod"
const tutorial = "JSX"
<h2>Learing {tutorial}</h2>
<p>This website contains the best CS tutorials.</p>
export default App;
JSX Comments
With JSX we can comments any block of code by beginning it with /* and ends with */ and wrapping them in curly braces {} just like in the case of JSX expressions
function App(){
<div className="contianer">
<h1 className="title">Kingcod</h1>
<h2 className="header">Learing JSx</h2>
{/* This is a comment in JSX */}
export default App;
JSX Styling
Styling in JSX isn’t that hard, we just need to give our JSX tag a class name and either style it with external CSS or internal CSS. to style with external CSS all we need to do is give our JSX a class name, we will have to put className
as string literals attribute, then import our css file into the component we want to use it in ( in this case our styled.css
in in the same folder as our App.js
import "./styles.css"
function App(){
<div className="contianer">
<h1 className="title">Kingcod</h1>
<h2 className="header">Learing JSx</h2>
export default App;
Internal styling :
function App(){
const myStyle = {
fontSize: 80,
fontFamily: 'Courier',
color: '#003300'
<h1 style = {myStyle}>www.kingscod.com</h1>